Goal completed!
I only had 2 mouthfuls of orange juice, because I needed it to swallow the fish oil tablets I take every day. It's impossible to have those things with water.
And I achieved 481 calories maximum;
Egg; 74cal
Apple; 68 cal
Hershey kiss; 22
Malteasers; 70
2 slices of beetroot; (25g?) 15 cal
4 slices of tomato; 11
7 slices of cucumber; 5
lettuce; 2
balsamic vinegar; 14
roast chicken drumstick and a bit of extra chicken; 115 & 40
roast pumpkin (tiny piece); 30
2 mouth full (40ml?) OJ; 15
Tomorrow my intake will be more. Goal for Saturday; 800 calories
Congrats on meeting your goal. You had a great intake. I hope you have a good day.