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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hellooo 2014


Its 2014 in case you've been living under a rock- or tucked up in your bedroom.
Oh and by the way, I'm going to loose 4kg to take me to 61kg which is a nice healthy weight.
It's also realistic and only 2kgs more than my LW in 2011- ah that was a good year.

Everything was so good when I was constantly loosing weight.
Lets go back to doing that again :)
You think so? I think so too!

I have my first (of 3) personal training sessions on monday!
I told him how much I want to loose and he says it will be no problem.- Here's to hoping

I've been eating pretty healthy for a while now but peanut M&M's and I are becoming too friendly, so I think it's time they go. I really need to loose this weight, for nothing but my sanity at least.
I'm sick of hating myself.
I want to feel pretty again.

The best part is that I don't have to eat out so much this year which is so awesome.
It's time to go find skinny in the closet and put it back on again. I'll be there by march I feel. If not sooner.

Lets do this.